Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz (Likud) has sharply criticized radical leftist rock musician Aviv Gefen, after Gefen in a Tel Aviv concert last Thursday night called to called to send Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu "to hell."
"Aviv Gefen, in an atmosphere of criticism and incitement against Netanyahu, calls in the middle of a performance 'to send Bibi (Netanyahu) to hell,' while in the background is a slide with crosses on the faces of Netanyahu and other right-wing leaders," Katz described on Facebook.
"A man who shirked the IDF, who incites against the prime minister when he and his family contributed much to the security of the state - and the leftist leaders Tzipi (Livni) and Buji (Yitzhak Herzog) don't denounce and don't say a word. Simply an embarrassment!" he wrote.
As Katz noted, Geffen appeared before an image of Netanyahu, Naftali Bennett and Avigdor Liberman, with a large red "X" crossing them all out.
"On behalf of me and all of you I hope that in a democratic process - we need to send Bibi (Netanyahu) to hell!" shouted Geffen at the concert, with his usage of the coarse curse word being met by cheers.
MK Rabbi Hillel Horovitz (Jewish Home), who recently entered the Knesset after the passing of minister Uri Orbach, joined in condemnation of Geffen's stunt.
"His incitement crosses the cultural line and therefore all the state bodies need to prevent him from the possibility of public performance," called Horovitz.
The MK explained "Geffen performs each year on Independence Day, on central stages at the expense of the public, and there is no way to give this man a public stage. If Aviv Geffen suffers from the state of Israel so much, let him have the honor and not perform at our expense."
The comments respond to Geffen's words against Netanyahu at the concert, when he said "Netanyahu wrecked the relations with America. We are in complete isolation, he put half of Israel under the poverty line, he didn't leave hope for you, for students, to create a normal life here in Israel."