The Orthodox Union (OU) held its national convention last weekend in Tarrytown, New York, where Jewish leaders from around the US met in a conference titled "Global Jewish Unity" to discuss various issues, prime among them rising global anti-Semitism.
Other core topics discussed at the three-day conference were day school affordability, pre/post nuptials, and bringing women to the communal leadership table.
Arutz Sheva got to talk with OU Executive Vice President Allen Fagin about the event, hearing from him about the various dignitaries who were present.
He explained that the OU is an "enormous and far-flung operation" that provides "the highest quality kosher supervision throughout the world," supervising roughly a million products in around 80 countries.
Beyond kashrut (Jewish dietary laws), the OU also has likely the largest youth movement of any Jewish organization in America according to Fagin, who said the organization intends to keep expanding its efforts.
Among the participants in the conference was Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.
Speaking about rising anti-Semitism in Europe fueled by an every growing Muslim population, and coupled with skyrocketing assimilation, Hoenlein said "Jews in Europe have no future there, that's a complete fact that cannot be changed."
Indeed, Jews from France for the first time led immigration to Israel in 2014, as brutal anti-Semitic violence continues unchecked in the country, and immigration figures in general were at the highest they have been in a decade.
All pictures credit: Orthodox Union