A three year old who was injured when Arabs threw rocks at a vehicle he was riding in on Saturday night has miraculously recovered. The child was released from Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital Sunday.
The mother of the child told Arutz Sheva about the incident, in which the family's vehicle was stoned near Shiloh, on road 60. “We were in a difficult and unfamiliar situation,” she said. “We were coming home from spending Shabbat in Jerusalem and traveling between Shiloh and Ofra when we heard a very loud news outside the car. We realized they had thrown rocks on us, and our three year old started to cry and scream.
“We were considering stopping because we were afraid there would be a bigger attack down the road,” she continued. “In the end we stopped and that was when we realized that the child was bleeding, apparently hit from a rock. We continued on to Shiloh, where an ambulance was waiting.” She said that the family had thought that they would have a quiet ride home, and that they had left the unrest behind them in Jerusalem.
The family lives in Har Bracha, “and we will continue to live there,” she said. “Israel must be stricter in dealing with rock throwers and other violators of the law. We must show that we are in control, and not rely on protecting cars and passengers with plastic windows and other means,” she added.