Uri Ariel
Uri ArielYonatan Sindel/Flash 90

Minister of Construction and Housing Uri Ariel (Jewish Home), fired back early Wednesday afternoon at Finance Minister Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid) for his refusal to transfer funds for paving roads outside the large "blocs" of Jewish population in Judea and Samaria.

"The reality of a freeze cannot go on and we will not agree to it anymore," said the minister tasked with housing and construction.

Ariel spoke in a similar vein 12 days ago, when he said "enough of the (construction) freeze, this word is a foreign and difficult word. In the land of Israel we don't freeze anyone, in the land of Israel we only build, and I call on him (Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu) to build the land of Israel in all its parts and regions."

Several times this month, the housing minister has acknowledged that his coalition government is conducting a building freeze on Jews in Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem, and vowed to stop it.

In the Samaria town of Itamar, four days earlier, Ariel said "the lack of building is understood G-d forbid as a prize to terror, and I turn to the prime minister and say to him: don't bring us to a trying experience, don't let the situation of this coalition and the government be undermined because of the building freeze. Start to build."

Likewise, Ariel said back in May "there will be no more freezes, we will not accept delays and restrictions in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and we will continue to build in all parts of our country."

Despite his frequent protestations, his role as housing minister and his party's prominent position in the coalition, the freeze has continued unabated, blocking the natural growth of communities for hundreds of thousands of Jews amid a severe housing crisis.