The Palestinian Arabs have been demanding a state, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu stated Monday - and Israel will refuse to yield.
"Last time I stood here it was before [Operation] Protective Edge, an operation against a criminal terrorist attack," Netanyahu stated, while opening the winter Knesset session.
"Hamas shot thousands of rockets at Israel's cities, planned attacks from the air and underground. We stopped most of them. We killed hundreds of terrorists and collapsed the towers of terror."
Netanyahu then drew a parallel between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority (PA).
"We did not give into the dictates of Hamas that would have endangered Israel," the prime minister said. "The Palestinians are demanding a state without peace and without security - they want 1967 borders and the right of return. They won't take the basic step in making peace - mutual recognition. They demand we recognize them but they won't recognize us."
"Israel won't agree to a Palestinian state without a real peace treaty that will recognize Israel as a nation of Jewish people and include security arrangements," he declared. "We don't want a bi-national state, but we also don't want another Iranian satellite on our borders."
Netanyahu further rejected criticism against Israel on two critical issues: the "status quo" on the Temple Mount, and renewed construction in Jerusalem.
"Israel has every right to build in Jewish neighborhoods of Jerusalem," he said.
"Violence against us is not the result of construction in Jerusalem," he added. "[It] comes from the desire of our enemies for us not to be here at all."
He concluded by blasting the PA's demands, noting that they have demanded concessions without agreeing to make any in return.
"The Palestinians demand the establishment of a Palestinian state without peace and without security," Netanyahu fired. "They demand a withdrawal, the right of return and a division of Jerusalem."
"They refuse to accept the elementary condition for peace between two nations – mutual recognition," he declared. "[But] the Palestinians must have a desire for peace as well, and unfortunately I see no such desire."