Despite an increased police presence in the capital, Arab rioters continued Monday to throw stones and fireworks in the eastern Jerusalem neighborhoods of Shiloaḥ (Silwan), Ras al-Amud, and Isawiya.
Police issued a statement that the rioters were met with Israeli Police and Border Patrol forces who immediately came in contact with them and used riot dispersal means to restore order to the city. No damage was done and no one was injured.
Jerusalem police maintained an enlargement of forces Monday in eastern Jerusalem and other friction-filled areas.
County officers, Border Patrol, as well as reinforcements from national and special units were deployed to deal with attempts to disturb public order as well as to generally enhance security throughout the city.
Police stressed that they would continue to act quickly, decisively and uncompromisingly against any attempt to disturb the peace.
Earlier in the day, Arabs ambushed a cardriven by a couple with their seven children inside. The assailants threw a hail of rocks at the vehicle before fleeing the scene.
The attack came as the car drove on Salah e-Din Street near the Jerusalem District Court in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood north of the Old City, not far from Hebrew University's Mount Scopus Campus.
The family emerged unscathed from the attack, but their car did suffer damage from the barrage of rocks.
Police have launched an investigation and are scouring the area for the perpetrators.
Monday's attack and these other rock-throwing incidents represent the latest in an ongoing wave of violence that erupted in Jerusalem in June. The wave of violence has been dubbed the "silent intifada" by residents.
In an effort to end the onslaught of violence, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is pushing for much harsher sentences for rock-throwers. Throwing rocks at a moving vehicle with the intent to injure could incur a punishment of up to 20 years in prison.