The widow of Dror Hanin, who was killed during Operation Protective Edge from a Gaza mortar as he gave out gift bags to soldiers, was a victim of a rock terror attack on Sunday.
Arabs threw rocks at the widow’s car as she was making her way towards the city of Modi’in with her children and a friend. As the car passed Modi’in Illit, the car was pelted by rocks. Hanin’s eldest daughter Shaked, who sat in the front of the car, was hit by broken glass but did not require medical attention. Miraculously, no one else was seriously hurt.
Avi Naim, head of the Beit Aryeh Council and a close friend of the Hanin family, responded to Sunday’s attack and called on security forces to act to stop the rock throwing terrorism on the roads of Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem.
"We cannot allow cowardly terrorists to hurt women and children under the cover of darkness in the heart of Israel, it's just unbelievable,” he said. “It has been quite some time that the State of Israel simply does not control the Arab riots - not in their villages and not in the heart of major Israeli cities, including the capital Jerusalem.”
Jerusalem has been suffering over the past few months from what has come to be known as the “silent intifada”.
Attacks have included rock throwing at the Jerusalem Light Rail as it passes through Arab neighborhoods and targeting Jewish residents with fireworks and rocks.
Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat has turned to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in a letter demanding that the terror wave be ended.
Barkat’s letter also reached members of the government, Police Commissioner Yohanan Danino and recently retired Jerusalem District Police Commander Yossi Pariente.