The Chairman of Bnei Akiva Yeshivas, Rabbi Haim Druckman, came to the defense of Bnei Akiva World Secretary Rabbi Noam Perel on Tuesday, after the movement's world headquarters announced that Perel could be slated for dismissal.
"We live in a country that has an army, and Rabbi Noam demanded that the army take action," Rabbi Druckman stated. "The status did not refer to a private person and no one can take the law into his own hands."
"An entire nation and thousands of years of history demand revenge," Perel posted on his Facebook page, shortly after the bodies of murdered teens Naftali Frenkel (16), Gilad Sha'ar (16), and Eyal Yifrah (19) were found last week.
He referred to the Biblical story of David, who killed 200 Philistines and gave their foreskins to King Saul as the dowry for his daughter Mihal. "The disgrace will be paid for with the blood of the enemy, not with our tears."
"Rabbi Noam wrote from the bottom of his heart, and turned to the IDF for guidance," he continued. "Even a soldier in uniform should receive guidance from the level above him, and not to act [or take revenge - ed.] as he pleases."
"There is no doubt that this is not incitement to murder," Rabbi Druckman concluded.
Perel retracted his statements Sunday, following a media storm and demands for his resignation.
The Extended Secretariat of World Bnei Akiva will meet Wednesday to discuss what disciplinary procedures to take against Perel, including the possibility of his dismissal.