MK Ahmed Tibi (United Arab List) screamed at temporary Knesset plenum chairperson MK Ruth Calderon (Yesh Atid) Wednesday and accused her of insensitivity to Palestinian suffering, after she informed him that his time was up as he delivered a parliamentary motion.

The same Tibi who bemoaned the alleged insensitivity of his colleagues insisted last week that Hamas is not a terror organization, fifteen days after two Hamas terrorists kidnapped three Israeli teenagers and in the midst of a rain of rocket fire on Israel from the Hamas-enclave Gaza.

Tibi provided an interview to Hamas's Palestine magazine Friday, where he alleged that Hamas is "not a terror organization."

The MK also called Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's requests that PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas dissolve the unity government "chutzpah."

The interview was published shortly after the IDF announced the identities of two Hamas terrorists behind the kidnapping on Thursday.

Making Tibi's statements more meaningful is the fact that he currently holds the post of Deputy Chairperson of the Knesset, a position he has been accused of abusing to shut out political opponents.