Rabbi David Lau, the Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi of Israel, on Wednesday called on Israelis to exercise restraint amid calls for revenge on Arabs over the murder of three Israeli teenagers by Hamas terrorists.
“The discourse about revenge is wrong morally, ethically and halakhically,” said Rabbi Lau.
"We have to trust that the security forces will do their job properly and not think at all about taking revenge which can lead the entire region down a dangerous path,” he added.
“Our revenge will be in the punishment of the murderers and in continuing the wonderful way of uniting hearts and strengthening the Jewish faith,” said the Chief Rabbi.
The comments come as an investigation continues into the abduction and murder of an Arab youth found Wednesday morning.
While there has been speculation that the youth was murdered by Jews as a possible act of revenge after the kidnapping murder of the three Jewish teens, there have also been reports that the abduction was carried out by Arabs and that the murder was an "honor killing" or another kind of criminal murder.