Arab riot in Jerusalem after murder
Arab riot in Jerusalem after murderFlash 90

Apparently a little too “quick on the trigger,” Justice Minister Tzipi Livni retracted a Twitter post she wrote condemning the "murderers of an Arab child who seek to turn us into a society of killers," after the abduction and murder of an Arab youth Wednesday.

Calling the killing of an Arab youth “shocking,” Livni wrote that “the murderers must be found and tried immediately. Nothing must stop us. This is the difference between the State of Israel and a terror organization.”

While she did not point any fingers in her post, she did drop a hint as to those she felt responsible. Implying that the killers of an Arab youth allegedly abducted and found dead in a Jerusalem forest were Jewish, Livni wrote that “we must punish those who want to turn us into a society of killers. This cannot be allowed to happen in Israel.”

The messages was posted at roughly 8 a.m. Wednesday morning, but a few minutes later disappeared – never to return. Livni has not explained why she backtracked on the post.

The reason might be because of the strong possibility that the murder was carried out not by Jews, but by Arabs – and family members at that.

Speaking to Arutz Sheva on condition of anonymity, A senior retired police official noted that the family of the murdered 16-year-old was well known to police sources in Jerusalem, adding "it's a problematic family with internal clashes that have been ongoing for many years. I have no doubt that as time passes it will be clarified that the murder was criminal and nothing more.”

Quoting eye witnesses, IDF Radio said a black car had stopped by an Arab youth in Jerusalem's Beit Hanina who was hitchhiking and he was forced inside. The car then took off. Some time later, the family of the youth reported him missing, it said.

The burnt body of an Arab youth was later found in the Jerusalem Forest area. Police have not formally confirmed the body is that of 16-year-old Mohammed Abu Khder who was kidnapped, reports AFP.

Wild rumors and speculation have abounded that the youth was possibly was murdered by Jews as a possible act of revenge after the kidnapping murder of three Jewish teens. However, as the official revealed, reports indicate that the abduction likely was carried out by Arabs and that the murder was an "honor killing" or another kind of criminal murder.

In response to the discovery of the body, there have been massive Arab riots in and around Jerusalem throughout Wednesday, causing massive damage.

During the ensuing riots in Beit Hanina and Shuafat, several Arab residents reportedly attacked a young local Arab, possibly indicating the internal clashes the police source spoke of. Police forces rescued the youth, who did not require medical treatment. The rioters were dispersed by the police force and the assaulted youth left the area.