Released terrorists in Ramallah (Dec. 31 2013
Released terrorists in Ramallah (Dec. 31 2013Flash 90

Ron Kerman, the father of terror victim Tal Kerman hy"d, who was killed in the 2003 bombing of bus line 37 in Haifa, explained to Arutz Sheva Saturday night why he asked Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu last week not to speak at Monday's Memorial Day ceremony. 

"We received the invitation [for the ceremony] and it said that the President [Shimon Peres], Prime Minister and President of the Supreme Court [Asher Grunis] shall be at the ceremony," Kerman explained.

"The three of them participated in the three terrorist releases - the Prime Minister decided, the President signed and the President of the Supreme Court did not address our petitions [against the releases]." 

He said the justices acted hypocritically when they decided not to intervene in releasing terrorists.

"Interesting - when it comes to our petition against releasing of terrorists, they do not interfere, but when it comes to the petition by Palestinians against the decision not to release the bodies of terrorists they do decide to [intervene and demand that Israel] release the bodies," he added. 

Kerman says that he shares his views with scores of bereaved parents who do not want the Prime Minister and the President to speak at the Memorial Day event - which is being held in memory of terror victims perpetrated by terrorists recently released in the framework of peace talks.

"Please save us the inconvenience of this, the Prime Minister not looking us in the eyes and telling us stories, saying his heart is with us and that he is working to fight terror, because his work on the ground does not support this," Kerman stated.

"These are hollow declarations. Many people are behind this letter [though] not everyone is ready to be named." 

Kerman also expressed concerns that the speeches could cause discord at the ceremonies, particularly from a growing chorus of bereaved families frustrated with the State's decision to release terrorists, as well as how it has been handled. 

"I remember when the Schijveschuurder family protested [in previous years], and now I fear that the speech, too, will bring chaos," Kerman said. Several members of the Schijveschuurder family were murdered in the 2001 Sbarro bombing in Jerusalem. "Just this week Israel released the body of the Sbarro suicide bomber, Izz al-Din al-Masri who killed the Schijveschuurder family." 

"Our bereaved family is not as big [a political power] as the families of the fallen soldiers, and it is easy to hurt us," Kerman concluded. "But I say again to the Prime Minister and the President, if you must come [to the ceremony], then attend, but do not speak. Do not say that you came to give us strength; let me honor my Tal on my own, without your speeches."

"We have already paid, with our health, for all the terrorist releases, you have branded those dates in our hearts - and I would prefer if, this year, you do not speak."