The IDF has been dealing with an unprecedented Facebook protest by thousands of soldiers expressing support for David, a soldier who was videotaped cocking his gun in a threatening situation in Hevron.

A Facebook page in support of the soldier has garnered over 26,500 “likes” in a few hours – a very large number in Israeli terms.

A military source told Maariv-NRG, however, that the soldier's behavior was “problematic” and that he had failed to exercise his judgment.

Maariv-NRG reported that the soldier will be jailed and may wind up being dismissed from his current position after standing trial. The soldier was involved in another incident earlier in the week, said a security source.

The IDF is considering taking steps against soldiers who expressed support for the Nahal soldier by holding up signs is self-portraits they uploaded to Facebook, some of whom uploaded photos that feature their faces.

Sources in the security establishment told the news site that the Military Prosecution "will know" how to give soldiers its backing and defend them when necessary in similar incidents.

IDF soldiers protest: