Police Commissioner Yochanan Danino confirmed preparation plans Sunday for the "million man march" against the hareidi draft in Jerusalem.
"The main purpose of the police to maintain public order, security and peace," Danino noted. "Today we will monitor traffic to ensure public safety and to allow the protest today under the auspices of the law."
The Jerusalem District Police has requested that participants not drive private vehicles to the march, nor to travel on the roads being closed in advance of the demonstration.
The Jerusalem central bus station will be closed from 2:00 pm; changes to Egged bus lines will be publicly available at the Egged hotlines, *2800 and *7878. The light rail will reportedly be shut down from 1:00 pm for most of the afternoon and evening; the public can call *3686 for updates.
The Jerusalem Police has also opened an information hotline, at 1-700-553-100. The hotline will focus on reducing public safety hazards caused by the mass rally and will focus on directing traffic in, to, and around the city.
Police have advised participants not to ascend to higher ground during the course of the rally, e.g. rooftops, balconies, and the like. The public is also advised not to move or press against the police barricades along designated roads.
Traffic is expected to become most congested between 2:00 pm and 8:00 pm, and police have advised Jerusalem residents to be patient with travel conditions during that period. Updates before, during, and just after the rally will be provided to media sources by police forces at the scene.
Sunday afternoon, the Police department announced that Highway 1 had been closed to private vehicles and that traffic jams were building on the following roads: Route 443 from Modi'in to Maccabim, and on the Westbound lane from Reut Intersection to Tzomet Shilat; and Highway 38 from Har Tuv to Eshta'ol.