JerusalemFlash 90

The Islamist Basij militia force in Tehran ran a special military exercise Thursday and Friday preparing for an Iranian takeover of Jerusalem. 

​The exercise, entitled "March to Al-Maqdis (Jerusalem)," included training in the event of such a takeover, including drills for the protection of cities, assistance and rescue, dealing with social unrest, the protection of sensitive and important military centers, dealing with the invasion and landing of "enemy" (IDF) forces from helicopters, and carrying out complicated tactical maneuvers at night. 

In an official statement, the militia said that the exercise is designed to develop and enhance the capabilities of the Al-Maqdis Brigades, improve Basij military competence, and foster a "self-sacrificing spirit" among the terrorists.

Tens of thousands participated in the exercise and terrorists-in-training flocked to the program from dozens of Basij battalions. 

Basij commander General Mohammad Reza Naqdi announced that the exercise was planned because the "boastful" (an expression used to indicate the US and Western powers) are at the end of their path to power and "the fighters and freedom-loving people" worldwide - Islamists - are angry and want to destroy the US and Israel to "restore" Jerusalem to an Islamic city. 

Naqdi added that the terrorists "need to be prepared now, more than ever," for the great "liberation battle" for Jerusalem, which would "avenge for the innocent blood spilled" by Western powers.

The General also claimed that Islamists worldwide are "waiting" for the call to battle from the Islamic Republic. 

Last week, "moderate" Iranian president Hassan Rouhani called for the Palestinian Arab "liberation" of Jerusalem in light of ongoing peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA). 

"One of the wishes of the Iranian nation is liberation of the Holy Quds,” the Iranian President was quoted as having said by the semi-official Fars news agency.

Rouhani also hoped that “the Palestinian nation and the entire Muslim world will find a serious solution to this occupation through unity and integrity."