Donald Duck will be getting a new voice in Arabic -- Egyptian voice artist Wael Mansour was fired by the Walt Disney Company over his ranting on Twitter last August, in which he expressed his virulent hatred of Israel and earnest desires for the Jewish state's destruction.
Mansour's tweet read "I truly wish #Israel is demolished, I hate Zionism, I have so much hate inside me with every child they murder or land they seize!" He added "I don’t know why insulting #Israel & #Zionism is ‘Anti-Semitic’?! They are just a bunch of Polish/ Ethiopian immigrants roughly 70 years old."
It goes without saying that the claims are empty; Jews from all parts of the globe can trace their origin back to Israel, which is the Jewish homeland even according to the Koran, as argued recently by a Jordanian Muslim scholar.
In response to Mansour's tweet in August, Disney tried to distance itself from him, saying he was on contract with a third-party dubbing company and therefore not a direct employee.
Nevertheless, on February 6 Mansour tweeted again to inform his followers the he was "proud" of being laid off by Walt Disney.
Abigail Disney, the grandniece of Disney's founder Walt Disney, blasted Mansour's statements on Twitter, calling them "repellent, of course."
In early January actress Meryl Streep spoke at the National Board of Review, where she slammed Walt Disney, the founder of Disney, for being a "hideous anti-Semite" who "formed and supported an anti-Semitic industry lobby."
The Independent notes that Abigail Disney expressed her support for Streep's assessment on Facebook, saying she "loved" her remarks, and backing her accusations of anti-Semitism and misogyny.
The combination of Jew hatred and children's entertainment is not so uncommon in the Arab world; Hamas's Mickey Mouse-copy "Farfur" has been indoctrinating children to be terrorists for years.