Katyusha rocket
Katyusha rocketIsrael news photo: Flash 90

An American pro-Israel group has weighed-in on the brouhaha over Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon's recent controversial comments about US Secretary of State John Kerry, in which Ya'alon branded America's top diplomat "obsessive and messianic" in his quest to impose a deal between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

Ya'alon particularly took issue with what he saw as the plan's disregard for Israel's security concerns, saying that the security arrangements it detailed were "not worth the paper it was written on". A recent report suggested that the Defense Minister's diatribe was provoked by a concerted American campaign to use top military officials to convince Israel to make sweeping concessions.

Americans For a Safe Israel (AFSI) added its voice to countless others - including politicians, military veterans and rabbis - who spoke up in support of Ya'alon's comments. 

In a bid to "remind" Kerry of the existential threat posed by a withdrawal - particularly by rocket attacks - AFSI took the initiative to republish a recent presentation by Langfan illustrating the strategic importance of the Judea-Samaria region, and translated it into Hebrew and Russian "in case he doesn't understand plain English".

Original video:

Now in Hebrew:

And Russian:

"The truth hurts," summed up AFSI Chairman Mark Langfan. "Defense Minister Ya’alon is a modern Jewish hero and he spoke truth to power."

"The reason why there is such a hysterical reaction to Ya’alon statements is because they can't factually counter the facts" surrounding the very real security threats posed by a withdrawal from Judea and Samaria he added, referring to the harsh criticism - from Israel and the US - which followed Ya'alon's remarks and prompted an apology.

But the "fanaticism" of his detractors "merely proves Ya’ alon’s attackers are truly messianic and delusional," Langfan challenged.