Site of stabbing at Adam checkpoint
Site of stabbing at Adam checkpointFlash 90

In what doctors have described as a great miracle, there has been a great improvement in the condition of the officer who was wounded in a stabbing attack at the Adam checkpoint on Monday afternoon.

Doctors at the Shaare Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem, where the officer was taken after being stabbed by an Arab terrorist, said the victim had undergone an operation and his life was not in danger.

One of the doctors who treated the officer said that the knife, the length of which was 15 centimeters (6 inches), was very close to the officer’s heart and other vital organs, and as such, the fact that he is out of the woods is nothing short of a great miracle.

IDF soldiers who were at the scene of Monday’s attack attempted to arrest the terrorist, but he began running away. Soldiers and police opened fire on him, but he managed to dodge the bullets.

A military source said that two battalions from the IDF’s Binyamin Regional Brigade entered three nearby Arab villages in a manhunt for the suspect in the stabbing.

Monday's attack took place on the background of Sunday's terror attack in Bat Yam, where a bomb exploded on a bus.

No passengers were reported injured in that attack, but one police officer with the bomb squad was wounded as he attempted to disarm the device.

Passengers on the bus attributed the fact that no one was killed to a miracle. Police said that based on their initial investigation, the attack on the number 240 bus from Bnei Brak to Bat Yam was conducted by Arab terrorists.