An Israeli police officer was moderately injured in a stabbing attack Monday afternoon.
The officer was stabbed by an Arab terrorist at the Adam checkpoint north of Jerusalem; he was treated at the scene and then taken for further treatment at a Jerusalem hospital. Footage below shows police arriving at the scene.
IDF soldiers at the scene attempted to arrest the terrorist, but he began running away. Soldiers and police opened fire on him, but he managed to dodge the bullets. The terrorist was apprehended a few minutes later and taken in for questioning.
Monday's attack takes place on the background of Sunday's terror attack in Bat Yam, where a bomb exploded on a bus.
No passengers were reported injured in that attack, but one police officer with the bomb squad was wounded as he attempted to disarm the device.
A spokesperson for the Dan Bus Company said that there twelve passengers on the bus when a passenger alerted the driver that there was a suspicious object on board. The object was in a bag, which one of the passengers opened. Noticing there were wires coming out of the bag, the passenger alerted the driver, who immediately evacuated the passengers.
Passengers on the bus attributed the fact that no one was killed to a miracle. Police said that based on their initial investigation, the on the number 240 bus from Bnai Brak to Bat Yam was conducted by Arab terrorists.