US President Barack Obama's public health care system, commonly known as "Obamacare," is causing damage all around the US as insurance plans are being cancelled and premiums are skyrocketing.
Examples of the "sticker shock" over soaring insurance prices abound.
Tony Hyatt, a landscaping business owner in North Carolina, told the Washington Free Beacon that he and his wife's premium has jumped from $311 to $963 a month. Furthermore he reports being informed that his deductible will increase by $1,000.
Aside from individual policies, universities are starting to bear the brunt of Obamacare's impact as well.
The simple policies universities have offered until now are no longer acceptable under the health care reform's laws, meaning the coverage must be significantly raised or else cut completely.
Bowie State University in Maryland saw its student health insurance policies raised from $100 to $1,800 a year, reports Fox News. The massive hike in prices led the school to cancel offering coverage for all 5,500 of its students, leaving them to find insurance for themselves.
The Maryland university is just one of many schools forced to drop their coverage by the new prices.
Meanwhile Liz Cheney, a Republican Senatorial candidate from Wyoming, appeared on Fox News Sunday and charged that Obama "knowingly lied" to the public when he promised "if you like your plan you can keep it."
Cheney further charged that Obama's team intentionally lied, confident that "the media never holds us accountable, they’re not going to hold us accountable here." She added "I think he probably figured he had to say this to get it (Obamacare) passed."
Obama was not the only one to make false promises. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was recently on national TV to defend her similar false promises that Obamacare would not affect existing plans.
Cheney's critical sentiments were echoed by North Carolina Rep. Richard Hudson (R-8th District) who opined that Obamacare "is a 1950s style, one size fits all, the government tells you what you can have system and it doesn’t work. We need a personalized, individual system.”