Yaakov Katz ("Ketsaleh") former head of the National Union party (which is now part of the Jewish Home party), has lashed out at prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, accusing him of being a "sheep in wolf's clothing," and wanting to appear like a strong defender of the Land of Israel while all the while pursuing a path towards "dividing the land."
In a statement, the former MK said "Netanyahu wants to appear like a strong leader, faithful to his country and historical heritage, as was Winston Churchill," but, as opposed to the English leader, Netanyahu is "weak."
Following the decision to restart negotiations with the Palestinian Authority - and indications that Netanyahu might be prepared to make future land concessions - Katz said the prime minister was following a path that was "against the will" of the majority of Israel's Jewish population, and "certainly against those who voted for him."
He also had harsh words for current Bayit Yehudi (Jewish Home) head Naftali Bennett, for what he called the "debilitating" partnership he has formed with Finance Minster MK Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid). He said, he had expected Bennett to have shown greater leadership is speaking out against Netanyahu, but blamed his close relationship with Lapid for tying Bennett's hands.
"Ketsaleh's" harshest words were reserved for Yesh Atid's leader Lapid, whom, he said, acts as a trader, buying and selling the Torah and the Homeland of the Jewish People.
He called on Bennett to take a firmer stance defending national religious issues, claiming that "the only solution" was to "change the makeup of the coalition" and distance himself "once and for all" from "that man" Lapid.