Jewish Agency memorial ceremony
Jewish Agency memorial ceremonyIsrael news photo: Flash 90

Professor Judea Pearl, father of slain journalist Daniel Pearl, will light a memorial flame in Jerusalem on Yom Hazikaron (IDF Memorial Day) this year.

He will also take part in the Jewish Agency’s annual ceremony , which honors Jews murdered outside Israel in terrorist attacks or acts of anti-Semitism as well as fallen IDF soldiers.

Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and murdered by Pakistani terrorists while in Pakistan on assignment. His captors released a videotape of the murder, in which Pearl famously said, “My father’s Jewish, my mother’s Jewish, I’m Jewish. My family follows Judaism. We’ve made numerous family visits to Israel.”

Pakistan recently arrested a former senior terrorist accused of taking part in Pearl’s murder.

Judea and Ruth pearl later established the Daniel Pearl Foundation to “further the ideals that inspired Daniel’s life and work.”

Following his son’s death, Judea Pearl has spoken on numerous occasions about the dangers posed by anti-Zionism and the media’s part in demonizing Israel. He has warned that “the Holocaust didn’t end in 1945.”