Four wounded Syrians received emergency medical care from IDF medics at Israel’s northern border on Wednesday, with two subsequently hospitalized in the Jewish State.
The four had approached the border fence on their own volition, the IDF Spokesperson’s Office said.
Medical intervention was provided for humanitarian reasons and with the approval of IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz, the spokesperson said.
Nevertheless, the incident does not constitute a change in Israel’s policy to avoid intervening in Syrian affairs, and Israel as a policy does not accept refugees from Syria, the spokesperson added.
The IDF said the two casualties are to be returned to Syria once medical treatment is completed.
This is not the first time such an incident has occurred.
Seven Syrian refugees were rushed to Ziv Medical Center in Tzfat last month, all wounded in clashes on the Golan Heights between opposition forces and troops loyal to President Bashar al-Assad. One was in critical condition.
Syrian rebels seized a military police installation at Han Arnabeh, northeast of Quneitra, not far from the Israeli-Syrian border, and more recently took control of a Syrian army intelligence base eight kilometers (five miles) from the Golan Heights border.