Likud / Yisrael Beytenu has carried over previous weeks' attacks on the Bayit Yehudi party into its election propaganda video, which is broadcast on television daily alongside other parties' videos.
The video singles out Rabbi Eliyahu Ben Dahan, number four on the Bayit Yehudi list, for a statement he made to Arutz Sheva in support of the idea of dissolving the Knesset's Committee for Advancement of Women's Status and the Committee for Children's Rights, and merging both of them into a Committee for the Family.
It also attacks candidate Moti Yogev, for a decision to allow several Bnei Akiva youth movement branches to hold separate activities for boys and girls, and claims that Rabbi Zalman Melamed, who is a spiritual guide to some of the Bayit Yehudi candidates, "supports refusal of orders" – without specifying what he said exactly, and in what context.
Reactions to the video in religious Zionist circles have largely been one of pain: Likud's attacks on Bayit Yehudi are fierce and appear, to some, to be emotionally motivated. Thus far, the attacks have been self-defeating, serving only to raise Bayit Yehudi's standing in the polls. Bayit Yehudi has refrained from negative advertising in the campaign.