MK Otniel Schneller slammed former Shabak head Yuval Diskin for an interview he gave to Yediot Achronot over the weekend. In the interview, Diskin said that he “does not trust” Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, that he was ineffective, and had been and would continue to be unable to deal with crises effectively. He also had harsh words for outgoing Defense Minister Ehud Barak, who he said was as unreliable as Netanyahu.
In a message on his Facebook page, Schneller, who is a former member of Kadima, said that he recalled numerous presentations by Diskin before the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, of which he was a member. In many of those presentations, Schneller said, Diskin would present his own political thoughts, and apparently withheld information in order to present the situation in a manner that fit his worldview.
“Often, he would tell us 'half-truths,' and hint at all sorts of political machinations,” Schneller wrote. “The manner in which he conducted these presentations damaged the authority and reliability of the Shabak, as far as we were concerned.”
Now, Schneller said, Diskin was using his previous experience and access to important information to attack the government and the current management of the Shabak. “It would be best if he would restrain himself from these activities,” Schneller said.