The Jerusalem District police intends to recommend that Likud Beytenu candidate Moshe Feiglin be prosecuted over his visit to the Temple Mount and that it be done even before the elections, Channel 10 News reported on Tuesday.
Feiglin, head of the Likud's Jewish Leadership faction, was detained by police on Tuesday morning after bowing down during a visit to the Temple Mount. This is not the first time that Feiglin has been arrested for worshiping on the Mount.
The Temple Mount is the holiest site in the world according to Judaism. It is also home to the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Police allow Jews to visit the site, but they are forbidden to pray in the area or show other outward signs of worship due to fears that Jewish prayer would inflame Muslim anger.
According to Channel 10, the police decided to recommend that Feiglin be prosecuted for offenses of obstructing the work of a police officer, violating a legal order and misconduct in a public place.
The report noted that the police are aware that Feiglin is a realistic candidate for the Knesset on behalf of the Likud Beytenu and therefore want to try him before January 22's election.
Feiglin was released from police custody despite having refused to sign a pledge to refrain from prayer on the Temple Mount for a set period of time.
He was previously arrested during the Sukkot holiday for allegedly praying on the Temple Mount – a charge he denied. Then, too, police insisted that he agree to restrictive conditions prior to release, but he refused to sign.
A court ordered his release later in the day, and he walked free immediately.