Well-known religious businessman Moti Zisser predicted Saturday evening that Europe will unleash a second Holocaust – but this time, the victims will be Muslims, not Jews.
"I think another Holocaust is brewing in Europe," he told congregants at Bnei Brak's Heichal Shlomo synagogue, according to Maariv-NRG. "I said it five years ago and everyone laughed at me. Today nobody is laughing; today they only argue with me over when it will happen."
The entrepreneur, who has businesses in Israel as well as Poland and other European countries, explained that Muslims are increasingly gaining control of the European economy, and that the Europeans are bound to lash out at them. He said that he meets businessmen in Europe who ask him how he thinks the "Muslim problem can be solved."
"I would give you numbers regarding what is happening with Muslims in Europe," he said. "They control things that are in people's pockets. It is much more painful than with the Jews, and for this they killed six million Jews, so for the other things they will kill 60 million too."
"Don't get this wrong," he explained. "This continent knows full well where it is headed. Today there are cities in France with a Muslim majority that do not belong to the French. For those who don't know, the city of Marseilles, for instance, belongs to the Arabs. The new demon in Europe is the Muslims, and it is being built up just like the Jewish demon was built up at the start of the previous century."
"This new demon is being built in the way that Europe knows how to build and annihilate something when it is defending itself against it."
Zisser added that in Europe's eyes, Israel is an ally vis-à-vis the Muslim threat. That is why Israel need not be concerned about the European criticism of its policies in Jerusalem or elsewhere, he explained. On the contrary, he said, "If Israel knew how to take advantage" of the fact that it is perceived as an ally against the Muslims, "there is no doubt that this could give Israel great status in the big game in the next 50 or 100 years."