Aaron Razel, (also spelled Aharon Razel) the popular Israeli-based singer/songwriter, has released a new single paying tribute to the hasidic master Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. The release coincides with the 202nd anniversary of the rabbi's passing which falls on the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.
Razel spoke to Arutz Sheva TV about the song and gave an exclusive acoustic performance.
"I am very connected to Rebbe Nachman from Breslov," the musician stated. "Everybody of this generation somehow is connected, and you don't have to be a Breslov hasid." Razel's words ring true as Hasidic rabbi's teachings seem to resonate within the young Jewish music scene in Israel.
Razel said his initial introduction with the hasidic philosophy was in the northern city of Tzfat, known as the center of Kabbalah. "I met a lot of Breslov hasidim there and I used to pray with the community of Rabbi Elazar Mordechai Koenig. It's a special minyan. It opens your mind and soul. You are a different person after a Shabbat in Tzfat. You do hitbodedut -- talking to G-d in your own language -- going to the field or the forest and talking to the One Above," Razel related. "A lot of melodies came during this time of meditation."
Razel composed the melody to his new song "Al Yedai Nigun," which will appear on the forthcoming album "Kavati Et Moshavi B’Beit Hamidrash" The lyrics are by Rabbi Nachman.
"When he talks about the power of the niggun,[melody] and of happiness, it's not just making people happy," Razel explained, "but connecting the souls together. Rabbi Nachman asks, why do we play music at weddings? Because the thing that can connect two souls is the melody and the music."
Aaron Razel has released seven previous albums. He is the brother of composer Yonatan Razel, both from Jerusalem.
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