Hizbullah has ten times as many rockets as it did when the Second Lebanon War broke out, and Syria possesses hundreds of accurate missiles, according to Deputy Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Yair Naveh. Naveh said that the IDF will need to make the next war as short as possible because of the vulnerability of the home front, according to Deputy Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Yair Naveh..
"In order to do this we need a first strike that reaches all ranges and can almost bring the war to decision," Naveh told security officials from Israel and abroad in the International Firepower Conference Tuesday.
"We will not carry out statistical fire, but rather rely on accurate fire and on rockets from the ground, using tens of thousands of munitions," he said.
"To this end, we are undergoing an intelligence revolution," Naveh explained. "Our intelligence is no longer focused on providing 'a picture of the enemy' but is focused on targets, and lots of them. The goal is to provide in real time a datum point of the location of, say, a pickup truck with missiles inside a living room in a building."
Naveh said that tactical communications are among the most meaningful abilities that the IDF is developing. "An infantry soldier will be able to talk to the helicopter flying above him, pass him data, and based on that the helicopter will close the circle of fire very quickly… Every fighter on the ground will be able to immediately talk to Intelligence, to the plane and to the missile ship," he said.