'Golden Dawn' neo-Nazi leader Mihaloliakos
'Golden Dawn' neo-Nazi leader MihaloliakosReuters

The “Golden Dawn” neo-Nazi party shocked Greece by winning 7 percent of the vote in this week’s election, casting a dark shadow on Athens.

Those who have betrayed the homeland must now be afraid," Nikolaos Michaloliakos, proclaimed after his party’s surprising electoral strength,

The term “Golden Dawn” is a chilling euphemism for the party that has openly threatened to kill a Greek journalist who suggested that the party leader be investigated by police.

The party does not mince words on how to carry outs principle of cleansing Greece of “illegal immigrants.”Out of my country, out of my home! How will we do it? Use your imagination. This victory is dedicated to all the brave youngsters who wear black T-shirts with Golden Dawn written in white,” Michaloliakos shouted after the election results were announced.

"Greece is only the beginning. You know exactly what I mean," he added.

Pre-election polls indicated that the Golden Dawn would barely win the three percent vote needed to enter the parliament. Golden Dawn won only 0.23 of the vote in the last election.

The party promised to deploy security forces in neighborhoods where illegal immigrants have concentrated, and Golden Dawn members escort residents to banks to help protect them from robberies. The party also delivers food for needy families.

The tactics are similar to those of Hamas in Gaza, and the difference between the two groups is style – the mask has become a symbol of Hamas while Golden Dawn has adopted the Nazi salute and a logo that displays a self-styled swastika.

“Greece is only the beginning,'’ Michaloliakos screamed at foreign journalists. They asked him to explain what he meant, and the new neo-Nazi legislator replied, '”You know very well',” and for good measure, he wagged his finger at the cameras.

At a news conference, he ordered journalists too stand at attention while his bodyguards surrounded him.

“We will struggle for a Greece that is not a social jungle because of the millions of immigrants they brought here without asking us,' he said. “Those who betrayed the motherland -- you should be scared now.”