Ismail Haniyeh
Ismail HaniyehIsrael news photo: Flash 90

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh called for another Intifada on Monday, this time aimed at supporting Arab prisoners in Israeli jails, who initiated a mass hunger strike two weeks ago, the Ma’an news agency reported.

The hunger strike is the Palestinian Authority’s latest ploy to garner international sympathy in an attempt to bypass negotiations with Israel and win UN recognition as an independent state.

At a rally in Gaza City, Haniyeh urged Arab and Islamic nations to intervene and support detainees.

He called on ‘human rights groups’ to "break their silence" to free all ‘Palestinians’ jailed in Israel. “Prisoners are our first priority, and all Palestinians are behind them,” he stated.

On April 17, marking ‘Palestinian Prisoners Day,’ inmates launched an open-ended hunger strike demonstrating, among other things, against Israeli administrative detention, a policy used by the majority of nations, including the United States, to temporarily hold suspected criminals and terrorists without trial, based on classified information

Palestinian Authority Prisoners Affairs Minister Issa Qaraqaa blamed the Israeli government for failing to comply with prisoner demands, alleging that Israel will be responsible for a “humanitarian disaster.”

Last week, Ahmed Saadat, leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terrorist organization, was transferred to a Tel Aviv area hospital, despite the fact that he is suspected of planning the assassination of Israeli Tourism Minister Rehavam Ze’evi in 2001.