Israel announced Tuesday it will launch an international awareness campaign highlighting the historic injustice done to Jews from Arab countries.
Following the declaration of the State of Israel in 1948 numerous Arab countries expelled their Jewish citizens and seized their assets - forcing them to become refugees in Israel.
Foreign ministry officials note that 850,000 Jewish refugees lost billions of dollars in assets and were forced to begin anew in Israel with only what they could carry on their backs.
The officials added that while Arabs nations have perpetuated the status of "Palestinian refugees" in their nations for generations in violation of international law, no calls for justice for the Jewish refugees they themselves created have been made.
Under international law nations hosting refugees are obligated to "normalize" and “nationalize” the status of refugees in their borders. Instead, Arab nations have refused and pushed the international community to spend billions of dollars to maintain the "Palestinian's" status as refugees in Arab countries.
Indeed, the Palestinians have a UN refugee agency of their own – UNRWA – while all other refugees on the planet share an agency.
Speaking at a conference on Jewish refugees Tuesday, Danny Ayalon said that the Arab League must accept historical responsibility for creating Jewish refugees, and perpetuating the refugee status of "Palestinians" as refugees in their countries.
Ayalon said the issue would be addressed in any and all future talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.