Lockerbie bomber Abdel Basset al-Megrahi has been found comatose and near death, CNN reported Sunday.
According to the report, al-Megrahi was found in the Libyan capital Tripoli. He is reportedly being taken care of by his family and is surviving on oxygen and an intravenous drip.
“We just give him oxygen. Nobody gives us any advice,” his son, Khaled al-Megrahi, told CNN.
The cancer-stricken former Libyan intelligence officer may be the last man alive who knows precisely who in the Libya government authorized the 1989 bombing which killed 270 people, CNN noted.
Al-Megrahi was freed from a prison in Scotland in 2009 after serving eight years of a life sentence for blowing up Pan Am flight 103. He was released on compassionate grounds after doctors who had been treating him for prostate cancer said he had just three months to live.
Al-Megrahi returned to Tripoli where he received a hero’s welcome. Despite the grim prognosis he has remained alive. The United States and Britain have both asked the Libyan rebels, who are currently taking over the reins in Libya, that al-Megrahi be extradited so that justice could be done.
But, according to the CNN report, the rebels’ National Transitional Council said Sunday that it would not extradite al-Megrahi.
“We will not give any Libyan citizen to the West,” NTC Justice Minister Mohammed al-Alagi was quoted as having said.