Rav Begun
Rav BegunFlash 90
Anti-Israeli hackers took over the Machon Meir website Sunday, in a belated response to the IDF's counterterrorist Operation Cast Lead, which was launched December 27, 2008.
The Meir Channel is a unique website that broadcasts Torah lessons 24 hours a day, as well as interviews on faith and education, questions and answers with senior rabbis, original productions and special features. 
The Meir Channel is broadcast in five languages and has about two million page views per month. It is broadcast from Machon Meir, a Torah learning institute in Jerusalem that is headed by the colorful and charismatic Rabbi Dov Begun.
The hackers took over the Meir Channel's English language homepage, and planted a photo of an Arab child with the caption "freedom for Palestine."
A text in broken Hebrew and English, as well as Arabic, said: "To the memory of 27.12.2008." The text also said that Gaza would survive despite Israel's hatred for it. It claimed that 1,750 Gazans were killed in Operation Cast Lead. Israel suffere 13 deaths in the operation, which succeeded in  temporarily slowing down missile attacks on its civilian population.
This is the second time in the past few months that Machon Meir websites were hacked. In the previous attack, Turkish hackers broke into all Machon Meir's sites.