The IDF’s Iron Fist armored brigade held a bilateral tactical war exercise in the Golan Heights in recent weeks -- the first time the exercise took place in the North, where the brigade will probably be stationed in case of war.
The training exercises simulates a battle, with opposing armies composed of Humvees and armored personnel carriers. These stand for larger units that would be deployed in a real battle.
The IDF Website reported Thursday that bilateral training exercises of this type have been held at the IDF's Tactical Training Center in the sands of Tze’elim in southern Israel. Reservists are divided into groups and “battle” is waged. Tactics and maneuvers are learned and perfected.
However, training in the Negev desert is a problem for the "Iron Fist" armored brigade, which would operate on the northern front during an emergency. The latest exercise proivided an opportunity to conduct the unique training style on its home turf.
"This training has double significance," Lt. Col. Amir Epstein, the head of the tactical training center's armored section, told the IDF Website’s Daniella Bokor.
"First, in terms of the fighters, the reservists get to know the territory. They get to know the ground on which they will fight. They study the topography, obstacles and challenges of the Golan Heights. It is difficult to simulate these conditions at Tze’elim. And also, this is the first time we are simulating a bilateral exercise along with the operative conditions."
Lt. Col. Epstein and the commander of the "Iron Fist" Brigade, Col. Meir Bar-Meir, agreed that training in the North had significant advantages and the results were evident.
"I can say with certainty that the brigade carried it out well and in the most realistic conditions," said Lt. Col. Epstein. "There is no doubt that [the brigade] will succeed in wartime."
"During an emergency, this will be an advantage for us," said Col. Bar-Meir. "We will have good knowledge of the ground and the manner of fighting."