Ha'Ivri with Rep. Sessions.
Ha'Ivri with Rep. Sessions.Rep. Sessions' office

Leading U.S. Congressmen have come out in support of the Jewish communities of Judea and Samaria, and are expected to visit the communities in coming months. Those who have pledged their support are Pete Sessions (R)TX, Michael Grimm (R)NY, Nan Hayworth (R)NY, Col. Allen West (R)FL.

The move follows direct lobbying efforts by the Shomron Liaison Office and its director David Ha'ivri, who is on a two week tour of the US and recently visited Capitol Hill for meetings with American officials.
The Liaison Council says that the congressmen’s support is “a slap in the face to U.S. President Barack Obama who has been trying to force a unilateral Israeli withdrawal from these areas in exchange for an agreement with the PA.”
The Shomron Liaison Office was established in 2008 by the Shomron Regional Council to fight the slander and defamation of the Jewish communities of the Shomron as part of the overall struggle to protect the Land of Israel. In the past three years the Council has succeeded in bringing over 50 MKs, 350 journalists and dozens of senior US and EU diplomats on opinion-changing tours of Samaria.
The Shomron LIaison Office is committed to informing people that Judea and Samaria are simply the Latin names for the territories known in Hebrew since time immemorial as Yehuda and Shomron. The Jews are the indigenous people of the Land of Israel and the very name "Jew" is a shortened form of "Judean" ("Yehudi" in Hebrew).