Mavi Marmara
Mavi MarmaraFlash 90

The 1994 peace accords between Israel and Jordan are not preventing its eastern neighbor from allowing its citizens to participate in this year's provocative Freedom Flotilla 2.

Wael Al-Ska, Chairman of the Jordanian Lifeline Committee, announced Friday his group had obtained a ship that would be participating in the this years Freedom Flotilla 2.

The ship, registered under the name 'Nur' for Jordan's previous queen, the widow of King Hussein, will be the sole Arab ship to challenge Israel's blockade of Gaza in coming days. The ship was purchased at a cost of 560 thousand euros. The lifeline committee's board of trustees will pay for the ships operating expenses.

Al-Ska explained, with the Turkish IHH-sponsored Mavi Marmara unable to receive the necessary permits from Turkish authorities to sail, his organization felt it necessary that an Arab ship participate in the flotilla.

The Jordanian flotilla delegation will include 35 people including representatives of trade unions, political parties and the Islamic Movements of five Arab countries who want to be represented in this years flotilla.

The government of King Abdullah II of Jordan, which has come under significant pressure for reform, especially by Islamic groups, issued no statements on the Jordanian ship's participation in the flotilla.

Unlike Jordan, the United States warned its citizens not to participate in the flotilla saying they may face prosecution for doing so.

Israel's navy is gearing up to enforce the Gaza blockade saying it will inspect all vessels headed for Gaza.