Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders announced Thursday that he plans to make a sequel to his controversial film “Fitna.” The film will document the effects of mass Muslim immigration to non-Muslim countries, he said, and will be released in 2010.
One issue that will be addressed in the second film is the western approach to free speech versus the approach taken by Sharia (Islamic) law.
"Fitna,” released online in early 2008, sparked Muslim protests worldwide. Wilders is under investigation for alleged hate speech targeting Muslims, and was recently banned from entering Britain to show his movie.
The movie consists of Koranic verses supporting attacks on non-Muslims with graphic images of violent attacks motivated by Islam.
Wilders heads the Dutch Party for Freedom, which holds nine of the 120 seats in the Dutch Parliament. He has said that his feelings on Islam and terrorism were influenced by the time he spent in Israel and surrounding Arab countries as a young man.
Among Wilders's controversial political ideas have been proposals to impose a five-year ban on immigration from non-western countries, to close radical mosques and to introduce administrative detention, a system used in Israel that allows police to detain terror suspects without immediately providing evidence.