Following a weekend of over 20 mortar shells and rockets, Hamas fired a rocket Sunday afternoon that narrowly missed a busload of students in the parking lot of Sapir College in Sderot. A car was damaged.
Earlier this year, student Roni Yichye was killed by a Hamas-fired rocket in the same parking lot.
A second rocket fell in an open area in the western Negev, causing a fire and sending a man driving nearby into shock. Hamas terrorists also fired two mortar shells late Sunday, north and northeast of Gaza, causing no damage.
Over the weekend, terrorists in Gaza fired 22 Kassams and five mortar shells at Israel's western Negev areas. The tally: One man was killed by a shell on Friday night, two people were lightly wounded by shrapnel, others were treated for shock, and a house suffered a direct hit.
Over the course of Friday night, five Hamas terrorists were killed in an Israel Air Force anti-terrorist operation.
In other security-related news, Arabs in Gaza fired at an IDF unit near Kisufim late Sunday afternoon; no word on casualties.