Europe’s schools now bow in prayer toward Mecca
A principal in Europe: A 12-year-old boy came to me and said, 'I hate you. We will take back the country'. They reject our culture, our values. Their hatred is unimaginable."
Giulio Meotti is an Italian journalist with Il Foglio and writes a twice-weekly column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author, in English, of the book "A New Shoah", that researched the personal stories of Israel's terror victims, published by Encounter and of "J'Accuse: the Vatican Against Israel" published by Mantua Books, in addition to books in Italian. His writing has appeared in publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, Gatestone, Frontpage and Commentary.
A principal in Europe: A 12-year-old boy came to me and said, 'I hate you. We will take back the country'. They reject our culture, our values. Their hatred is unimaginable."
Israelis in Germany, take note! History always accelerates on the banks of the Rhine and Germany is fast going Muslim, faster than much of Europe. Op-ed.
The US dismissed warnings of an Islamist attack before 9/11, Israel dismissed warnings of a Hamas attack before 10/7, and Europe is making the same mistake. Opinion.
The answer is that it can't. It is too obsessed with non-existent gender equity to even try. Op-ed.
Head of the Iranian Pasdaran, promised: "We will have to cut someone's throat and someone else's tongue." We have done it already. Op-ed.
The wholesale slaughter of Christians does not interest wokes whose mind is already made up. In America and the West, not one protest.Op-ed.
1000 migrants enter Germany every day, And a Bundestag member admitted their culture does not disappear when they cross the border. Op-ed.
When there are no longer Jews in Europe, will they call Hamas to light the Hanukkah candles? Op-ed.
Is this what American academia has come to? The answer, unfortunately, is yes. Opinion.
Europe is in turmoil due to the mass migration policies of the EU elites. Immigration is the dominant issue throughout the EU. Opinion
Nazi collaborator Quisling would be proud of his fellow Europeans, self-titled "wokes" and "progressives," not national socialists. Op-ed.
A treacherous, nihilistic worldview is institutionalized throughout Western academia and celebrating Hamas barbarity is part of it. Op-ed.
Like the lifeboats on the Titanic, in Eurabia there won't be body armor for everyone when the attack comes. Op-ed.
Reem is a symbol of today's Europe. Embraced by Merkel as a poor refugee child, today her posts show a map without Israel.Op-ed.
For Israeli women, there are not even the crumbs of indignation, but.I didn't expect anything from the UN, #MeToo or woke feminists. Op-ed.
Some in Parliament appease them because they want their votes. Others fear confrontation. The door is closing. Op-ed..
How did we come to erase the Jewish girl from Frankfurt who hid in Amsterdam while "new Germans” attack Jews? Masterstroke, Doktor Goebbels!
Support for Hamas originates in the heart of darkness of Western consciousness, There are more fans of Hamas in the West than in Gaza.
Welcome to “diversity.” Opinion.
In these terrible hours, the Jews were the first to be sacrificed, but the flaccid Europe that refuses to condemn Hamas is next. Opinion.
Pro-BDS Western universities have ties and exchanges with fake academic institutions like Gaza U. that pursue Israel's destruction. Op-ed.
The current war is black and white: the civilized against the barbarians. Opinion.
The Left hopes for cross-breeding, a mix of race and culture. But there is no crossbreeding, there is ethnic-religious conquest. Op-ed.
The Vatican is helping the islamization of Europw succeed.You can't make this up. Oped.
They want to atone for their history by being overwhelmed by history. Op-ed.
Whether it is Islam, climate or immigration: the costs of freedom of expression can be enormous. Op-ed.
Civilizations are mortal. We know of entire worlds disappearing, of empires collapsing. It is happening again. Op-ed.
The Left that arrests pastors who define traditional marriage turns the other way when Muslim women are hidden behind veils or killed.Op-ed.
In Pakistan it is a ten year sentence, so there is still a difference between the West and totally Muslim countries. So far. Op-ed.
And Islam will take over. We are experiencing the biggest demographic change since the Anglo-Saxon invasions of the 5th century. Op-ed.
Germany is headed for disappearance as a nation, people, identity and culture. That's the way the Greeks and Romans went. Op-ed.
One also glimpses the beginning of a violent reaction by French society, and perhaps Europe, against the drift of its suburbs.Op-ed.
Gender theory has now become dogma, and freedom of thought and expression have diminished. Op-ed.
OIC: strategy:"The Ummah began with one person, the Prophet. The success of a Muslim minority is to one day become a majority." Op-ed.
Europe is too big to hide under a stone, but it could try to crawl under one. Op-ed.
Old Vienna, in the midst of a demographic crisis, is a museum inhabited by elderly people strolling in the Prater. Islam has won. Op-ed.
The killing of a teen criminal vs. the passing jof judicial reform.The lawless violence of 2023 is similarly close to the surface. Op-ed.
The defenders of Gaza and French revolts are silent on massacres of Christians - or blame them on climate change. Op-ed.
There will not be a wave of adherence to Islam, but the religious minority will impose its rules by becoming the majority. Op-ed.
France lost the chance to treat the cancer when it first appeared and now it has metastasized and is terminal. Op-ed.