Danny Ginsbourg

News by Danny Ginsbourg


The blessed partnership of Yissachar and Zevulun

Those engaged in commerce, must sustain those engaged in Torah, and, further, they themselves are thereby deemed to be engaged in Torah toil!

The blessed partnership of Yissachar and Zevulun


'I am Joseph. Is my father still alive?'

Why did Joseph ask a question to which he had already been give the answer?

'I am Joseph. Is my father still alive?'

Pharaoh: There is no one as wise and discerning as you, Joseph

Who asked Yosef to offer his advice, in addition to proffering the solution to the dream, with which he was charged?

Pharaoh: There is no one as wise and discerning as you, Joseph

Yosef's two dreams

Selected commentaries explain why Joseph's brothers were angered by his dreams.

Yosef's two dreams


Do you have plenty?

The wicked, in their own eyes, consider themselves to be tzaddikim, and that all that is given to them is their due.

Do you have plenty?


Attached to the earth but reaching to the sky

What was the significance of Yaakov's dream of the ladder and angels? A selection of commentators' answers to the question.

Attached to the earth but reaching to the sky

'And Yitschak's eyes dimmed from seeing'

What is the reason God wanted Yitschak to think he was blessing Esav?

'And Yitschak's eyes dimmed from seeing'

Chayei Sarah:

The death of Sarah Imenu

Why did the Torah find it necessary to testify that she remained righteous throughout her life, from beginning to end? And why did her end come after the Akeidah?

The death of Sarah Imenu

Why is it called 'the binding of Isaac'?

This episode is counted by our Sages as the final, culminating test with which Hashem tested Avraham. But then why is it named for Isaac?

Why is it called 'the binding of Isaac'?

The first Brit Milah

Why didn't Abraham perform the brit milah before G-d told him to?

The first Brit Milah


The eternal witnesses

How can one compare man, with his abiiity to choose, to the heaven and earth? Commentaries weigh in on the question.

The eternal witnesses

'This day you have become a people to Hashem'

There is no nation in the land, except for Bnei Israel, as all the nations, compared to it, are as nought, and do not merit being called ‘a nation’.

'This day you have become a people to Hashem'

Ki Tetse:

Are we the "rebellious sons?"

A selection of commentaries on a difficult Torah commandment, with a surprising twist at the end.

Are we the "rebellious sons?"


Resh, aleph, heh - acronyms, anagrams and gematriot

There are no coincidences. The word Elul and the word Re'eh contain many messages in symbolic form.

Resh, aleph, heh - acronyms, anagrams and gematriot

Parashat Ekev:

"Now O Israel! What does Hashem ask of you?

Reading Rabbi Lazer Gurkow's article this week informs us as to the outcome of reciting blessings. What do the commentaries add to explain the injunction to say 100 blessings each day?

"Now  O Israel! What does Hashem ask of you?


The righteous do not rely on their good deeds

Commentators weigh in on Moshe's pleas to enter the land.

The righteous do not rely on their good deeds


Two different spy stories

What do our Torah Sages say about the glaring differences in the two accounts of the 12 spies? And an idea for reconciling them.

Two different spy stories

Moshe Rabbeinu's ultimate "mesirut nefesh"

Could there be a greater act of mesirut nefesh, than Moshe’s decision to depart this life, so as to not to delay the vengeance of Hashem, and of Bnei Israel?! Read how the commentaries on this week's parsha see it.

Moshe Rabbeinu's ultimate "mesirut nefesh"

The righteous daughters

Their love for the land was palpable. Even their timing was perfect. A look at the different ways our commentators described the daughters' viewpoint.

The righteous daughters

"This is the statute of the Torah": Chukat haTorah

Questions and answers of rabbinic commentators on the idea of laws for which we have no reason.

"This is the statute of the Torah": Chukat haTorah

The test

A selection of commentaries weighing in on the meaning of the almond branch blossoming staff test.

The test

Commentators weigh in on the Sin of the Spies

Was their sin lack of faith in God, was it a provocation, was it their fear of having to fight - or a combination?

Commentators weigh in on the Sin of the Spies

Shavuot and Torah: The 'yetser hara' conundrum

At the end of days, the nations will claim that they are entitled to be rewarded, even though they did not keep the Torah.

Shavuot and Torah: The 'yetser hara' conundrum

Why wasn't the Tribe of Levi counted with the others?

Various Torah commentaries' o;pinions on the reason the tribe of Levi had a different status.

Why wasn't the Tribe of Levi counted with the others?

The wonderful rewards for toiling in Torah

"What is the meaning of:’if you follow My statutes’? It means that you toil in the study of Torah..".

The wonderful rewards for toiling in Torah

Shmitta - the bitacho mitzva

Commentators explain why Shmitta transgression is punished severaly and what reliance of Hashem it proposesl

Shmitta - the bitacho mitzva

Kedoshim: Be holy towards your fellow man

Keeping Mitzvot between man-and-fellow man means to look both at our fellow man and at ourselves correctly, in ways which are ‘opposite’.

Kedoshim: Be holy towards your fellow man

Counting the days - the freedom of our time

Follow in the ways of Avraham Avinu - make sure that every day of our sefira, is truly ‘ours’ - that we have given it content, by serving Hashem.

Counting the days - the freedom of our time

Parshat Tazria: The supernatural affliction

Are speakers of lashon ha’ra not found amongst the nations? Why then don’t we find that they are afflicted by tzaraat?

Parshat Tazria: The supernatural affliction

What is: 'The thing that Hashem has commanded?'

Shmini describes the wondrous events of that first day of Nissan, the eighth day of the investiture of the Mishkan.

What is: 'The thing that Hashem has commanded?'

What did Hashem say to Moshe from the Ohel Moed?

Our Sages expound the word ‘Saying’ in the first pasuk in several ways, feeling that it is superfluous, as immediately after it - in the second pasuk - the Torah again says:’Speak to Bnei Israel, and say to them.’

What did Hashem say to Moshe from the Ohel Moed?

Moshe could not enter the Tent of Assemby

At the end of the Book of Shmot, Moshe cannot enter the Tent of Assembly and the shechina has not yet spoken with him!

Moshe could not enter the Tent of Assemby

Vayakhel: The assembly of atonement

The whole of Hashem’s wish in the offerings of the Mishkan was as an atonement for the sin of the calf, to thereby again cleave to Hashem. Careful reading shows that.

Vayakhel: The assembly of atonement

What was the Sin of the Golden Calf?

if all this was the work of the non-Jewish erev rav, why were Bnei Israel so severely punished?

What was the Sin of the Golden Calf?

And you [Moshe], command the children of Israel...

Moshe’s name is not mentioned in our Parasha.

And you [Moshe], command the children of Israel...

Take for Me an offering and you take Me, too!

Commentaries expound on the meaning of the verse "take for me" instead of "give to me" in this week's parasha on the building of the Tabnernacle.

Take for Me an offering and you take Me, too!

Mishpatim: The intriguing issue of the Hebrew slave

What did the Torah see, to start its words on the ordinances, specifically on the subject of ‘the Jewish slave? What the commentaries have to say.

Mishpatim: The intriguing issue of the Hebrew slave

Yitro: A mussar lesson from the stones of the altar

‘We can learn from this about man, that even if he is engaged in a Mitzvah or worthwhile matter, how careful he must be not to act disrespectfully towards others.’

Yitro:  A mussar lesson from the stones of the altar

Why does the firsst mitzva sanctify the moon?

The underlying message of our reckoning by the moon, is that the moon is at times in absolute darkness, without even a sliver of light, yet even at this time, we know that it will soon return.

Why does the firsst mitzva sanctify the moon?

Vaera: Moses introduces the logical concept "kal vachomer"

The unspoken answer of Hashem, to Moshe’s query, as to why the affliction increased after Moshe’s first approach to Pharoah, leads to a kal vachoerm.

Vaera: Moses introduces the logical concept "kal vachomer"