
Area B

News and updates about Area B

Gush Etzion leader to INN:

Desert is becoming a Palestinian city - & the country is silent

INN tours area marked by Oslo Accords as nature reserve, observing how the PA works strategically to create barrier between Jewish areas.

Desert is becoming a Palestinian city - & the country is silent

Why do Israelis shop in Palestinian Arab villages?

Substantially lower prices bring Israelis to the villages of Judea and Samaria despite the threat of terror attacks.

Why do Israelis shop in Palestinian Arab villages?

Who's funding illegal Palestinian settlements in Area C? (Part I)

Who's funding illegal Palestinian settlements in Area C? (Part I)

ANALYSIS: The truth about the PA's economic crisis

A leaked internal PA document revealed that despite the alleged financial woes in the PA, its ministers received a 67 percent salary hike.

ANALYSIS: The truth about the PA's economic crisis

INTO THE FRAY: Will the “New Right” get it right?

INTO THE FRAY: Will the “New Right” get it right?

The Arabs should be saying 'thank G-d for Israel'

The Arabs should be saying 'thank G-d for Israel'

Entrenched apartheid in the 'West Bank'

Entrenched apartheid in the 'West Bank'


'We will not divide the land with our enemies'

Education Minister slams report US asked Israel to transfer parts of Area C to Area B and give them to the PA.

'We will not divide the land with our enemies'

'Restore Jewish property rights before approving Arab building'

As government weighs granting Palestinian Authority right to build in Area C, Jewish owners of land in Area B cannot exercise their rights.

'Restore Jewish property rights before approving Arab building'

Oslo Accords? PA police raid Jerusalem suburb

In open breach of the Accords, PA Security Forces conduct drug raid in Eizariya, classified as Area B under full Israeli security control.

Oslo Accords? PA police raid Jerusalem suburb

Palestinian Authority Police Conduct Operation on Israeli Turf

PA forces complete covert operation to fight crime in 'no man's land' between Jerusalem, security fence.

Palestinian Authority Police Conduct Operation on Israeli Turf

Kerry May Have Offered Abbas Incentives at Israel's Expense

PA officials: John Kerry offered Abbas to extend the PA's jurisdiction in Judea and Samaria at the expense of Israeli-controlled areas.

Kerry May Have Offered Abbas Incentives at Israel's Expense

Elections in the Palestinian Authority - now!

Elections in the Palestinian Authority - now!

World Bank Exposes PLO's Disastrous Miscalculations

World Bank Exposes PLO's Disastrous Miscalculations