Shaked signs pardon
Shaked signs pardonspokesperson

Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked signed the list of pardons given by President Reuven Rivlin on Wednesday, ahead of Israel's 70th Independence Day.

Among the recommendations that Minister Shaked signed were a pardon from for a veteran who was injured in the First Lebanon War and who grew cannabis for his personal use.

Another pardon was issued to a divorced woman and a mother of children who stole from her employer but returned the money even before the beginning of her incarceration. She was sentenced to nine months' imprisonment.

Shaked said that "the cases brought before me and recommended for amnesty are those that meet the criteria of the special outline of the pardons for the 70th anniversary [of the state]. There is no day more appropriate than today, towards the end of Memorial Day and the start of Independence Day, to convey a message of encouraging rehabilitation and strengthening those who fought in Israel's wars, and who suffered for years from shock and got into trouble because of drug use."

Last month, President Rivlin and Minister Shaked announced the revival of an old Israeli tradition of granting pardons to those who have not been convicted of serious crimes, including IDF veterans. on milestone Independence Days. Special consideration was given to prisoners who expressed remorse, behaved well in prison, and showed a true desire to reform.