Australian Navy frigate
Australian Navy frigateiStock

About $400 million worth of hashish has been seized by the Royal Australian Navy from two small wooden boats in the Arabian Sea, reports 9News Australia's Gabrielle Boyle.

The eight-ton haul was uncovered when Navy officers boarded rubber rafts and intercepted the vessels.


The hashish was loaded back onto the frigate HMAS Warramunga where they were weighed and documented. They will be dumped at sea in an unspecified location. 9News reports that those aboard the boat were released without charge.

During its career, the frigate has operated in the Persian Gulf and undertaken anti-piracy operations off Somalia.

The vessel is currently deployed as part a task-force focusing on countering terrorism, preventing piracy, and supporting a safe maritime environment.

Nine vessels have been intercepted by HMAS Warramunga in the Combined Maritime Forces operational deployment.

Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, Australia
Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, AustraliaiStock