HaredimFlash 90

Israel's Ministry of Education will recognize haredim who are certified teachers (but do not have a B.A.) as possessing the equivalent of an official high school diploma.

The decision was made by Ministry of Education Director-General Shmuel Abuav, and sent in a letter to institutions of higher learning.

The recognition will be for the purposes of higher education only.

Currently, some haredi women receive an official diploma, and some do "hutzim," examinations considered by many to be more difficult than the matriculation exams but not recognized by the Israeli government. Those students who wish to study for a degree must make up the missing material before beginning their academic studies.

The decision does not apply to graduates of haredi boys' schools since, these do not offer secular subjects other than, sometimes, English and math. If haredi men wish to study in a teaching program which does not provide a B.A., they are currently required to take a Talmud test and have learned in yeshiva for two years after age 18.

Abuav suggests these students instead be required to take the "hutzim" exams or an equivalent exam before being recognized as possessing the equivalent of a high school diploma.