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Rabbi Chaim Naftali Aharon Halberstam, the Rebbe of Sanz-Zhmigrod, passed away overnight Tuesday in his home in Bnei Brak after suffering a heart attack.

He was 64 years old.

Paramedics were called to the Rebbe’s home shortly after midnight after he collapsed. They attempted to resuscitate him but were forced to pronounce him dead.

The Sanz Hasidic dynasty was founded by Rabbi Chaim Halberstam, who died in 1876 and was the rabbi of Nowy Sącz. The Sanz-Zhmigrod dynasty is one of the offshoots of the Sanz dynasty.

The Rebbe’s death came just two days after he celebrated his grandson's bar mitzvah.

Rebbe Halberstam succeeded his father, who died a decade ago, and since that time headed the family beit midrash in Bnei Brak.