The video below, posted on Youtube, makes the point that the publicized protests on behalf of Gilad Shalit are hindering the efforts for his release.

Its anonymous creators state that they pray, together with all of Israel, for Shalit's safe return. 

The creators say that they are very proud of the care and concern shown by their fellow Israelis for the soldier, held captive and incommunicado by Hamas in Gaza for over four years. However, they say, "we must all ask ourselves whether our activities help him - or do they actually harm him? ... In order to achieve his release, we must understand the rules of the Middle East as they truly are, and not as we wish them to be."
The video ends with a broad hint that Israel's most successful release of hostages occurred in Entebbe in 1976, when the negotiations for a peaceful resolution were merely a smokescreen for a heroic military operation that safely returned over 100 Israelis from Uganda - at the unexpectedly low, though painful, price of four dead.