"Jew, Jew!" He Shouted
"Jew, Jew!" He Shouted

“A little boy about age 12 shouted Jew, Jew! Every shout brought tens of people…then they started throwing blocks…”

Statements like this have been heard throughout the ages, since Israel was destroyed and the Jews exiled over 2000 years ago.  This report could have been made in Spain of the 1400’s, Poland, and Germany, all of Europe till World War 2, Norwich, England in the 13th century and so many other places.  But it wasn’t from “way back when” this report happened a few days ago in an Arab populated section of Jerusalem.

A continuing symptom and result of approved “Jew bashing” in the world theatre and a weak and divided Israeli government and psyche.

Nauseating, disgusting, frightening, Agreed. Isolated? Not at all.  It is a peek into continued possible future scenarios, and not just in Israel, but coming to a neighborhood near you soon.

What happens to and in Israel affects Jews throughout the world, even if they don’t like Israel, even if they consider themselves apart from Israel.

Think of it as the “Big Picture.”

Many Jews of the world continue to fool themselves into thinking that if Israel gives up its heartland, Judea and Samaria to the Arabs, everything will be “nice”: once the Arabs declare a new state, peace and harmony will rule.  Then you have some others who say, let’s just disconnect from “them” already.  Who is “them”? the Arabs? Hello? Arabs are living in Israel, so whom are you disconnecting from?

Of course let’s not forget all of our “enlightened” who continue to disconnect themselves and their children from their own history, or their commitment to Israel.  This is not just limited to the “Liberal” camp, but to many who consider themselves to be “religious Jews” also.

Israel’s heart is being thrashed, it is being heralded as a soon attainable prize to be quartered among our enemies, all of our enemies.  A sacrifice on an impure altar.

A call has been made, the gauntlet has been thrown down to the ground in challenge to all Jews, supporters and friends of Israel around the world…Fatah, PLO, Palestinian Authority, whatever name you choose, now claims they will demand statehood on the lands (at this stage) that make up Jewish history and heritage, they will ask the world to support them in this demand.  Any being with a hint of brain cells know it will not stop there…but how far will it go, how far will the ripples reach?

As Israel gets violated in the world so do Jews all over the world.  The strategy of keeping quiet and being a “good little Jew” will not hold out for long.  Sure you can claim that you are a Rights activist, you support Woman’s Rights, Gay Rights, Porcupine rights, “down with Israel,” “Free Gaza,” whatever you are doing to hide and fit in, not make waves.  Anything, so your professor will notice you in UC Irvine, Yale or Columbia, you need to be hip, and you need to be “in”.  You can even wait behind various closed walls in “Kosher” corners and “clubs.”

This “call”, this Gauntlet, this challenge has been thrown down at YOUR feet, and inaction, ignorance and ignoring is not an option.

This particular time in history is just another part of the roller coaster ride we all take part in, whether we are belted in for the ride is the question, and if not, how many loops we can survive.

The world has become quite divided over the “Israel Question”, how such a little piece of land can influence and affect so many is truly a wonder.  Many in the world think Israel is so large compared to our neighbors, it must be, and it’s in the papers every day, if not for the volatile nature of the region then for some life saving, ground breaking technology. Only a world power gets that attention, yes that we are.

Impostors from all over the world make for our shores, as lies become truths and ignorance is hailed as enlightenment.

Our little country has made more of a positive impact on this world than most countries put together, and we have done this in less than 70 years of renewed existence.

Judea and Samaria is the backbone of this country, it is the history and the future of our people and all who consider themselves friends and supporters.  It is also the target of all who hate Israel, all who hate the Jewish people, all who hate, or do not appreciate their own identity.

That continues to be hidden from many of the Jewish people, on purpose.

To conclude…It has been forecast that this process of calling for a new Arab state will bring renewed violence to the region, what else is new, I know, boring.  What is not boring is how it will affect the Jewish communities and the Jewish people around the world.  What is also not boring is how it will affect the entire world.

All will be accomplices, all will be responsible.

Payback will be interesting and all will contribute and all will be affected, whatever they choose to do or not do.

We have a choice, a chance, choose the right direction and remain strong with Israel.  The alternative is not pretty.

Now is late, but not too late.