IllustrationYaakov Naumi/Flash 90

An 18-year-old American yeshiva student, who was studying in the Belz Yeshiva in Bnei Brak, fainted on Thursday while studying Talmud. To his friends' dismay, he died shortly thereafter.

The youth in question had a history of heart issues.

His friends reported that on Wednesday night, he complained that he was not feeling well, and decided to rest. However, on Thursday morning, he got up and went to the yeshiva as usual.

After he fainted, paramedics were called to the yeshiva, and began performing CPR. However, the attempts did not succeed, and the student was declared dead.

The deceased student was a resident of Boro Park, New York, and was survived by his parents and siblings.

He will be buried on Har Hamenuchot in Jerusalem.